EnFocus Strategies

EnFocus Strategies leverages our vast experience to create customized solutions, through strategy development and project management, that work for client needs and circumstances. Our diverse experience coupled with an extensive network gives EnFocus Strategies the tools to serve clients with a focus on public affairs including government relations, business development and community/stakeholder engagement.
Community/Stakeholder Engagement
Partnership cultivation and management to bring planning, implementation and effective communications to support both tactical and strategic initiatives and maintain ongoing relationships
Engage community including elected officials, civic leaders and others through targeted outreach to align with a specific initiative, brand or campaign and/or develop relationships with key groups and individuals
Engage stakeholders to collaborate around a common issue or goal for effective results through planning and stakeholder management
Create community profile models and engagement plans to identify key stakeholders and constituencies

Business Development
Maximize business opportunities with corporations and governmental entities to drive business growth by leveraging minority business certifications
Assist with minority, women and LGBTBE® certification application
Connect certified firms or prime contractors seeking to partner with qualified subcontractors to collaborate on procurement opportunities
Develop a communications strategy and collateral that convey company value proposition and promotes brand awareness to entities seeking certified M/WBE and LGBTBE® firms
Government Relations
Legislative strategy development to advance effective public policy through messaging, targeted outreach and communications
Campaign management to educate public officials on both existing or proposed policies and issues with targeted advocacy for desired results or resources
Focused relationship cultivation with public officials and key stakeholders through a comprehensive approach to educate legislators about your company, issue or brand
Advise candidates and elected officials on political campaign strategy and implementation
Engaging high-quality M/WBE sub-contractors